With people's interest in history and genealogy growing, more and more people are visiting cemeteries and historic graves. All these are known to give insight into the local area and the family history as a whole. However, several of such sites have been poorly maintained and have deteriorated over time. In the recent past, cemetery restoration is drawing lots of attention. Here are some of the important things you need to consider before you get involved in the restoration of the cemetery.

Consider All the Legal Factors

It is advisable that you first look into who is tasked with the maintenance of the cemetery and try to get detailed information from them. Some of the best places where you can start are the state archives or the local council website. Determine the things you need to ask permission for and what you can do independently. There are cemeteries which are privately owned, so it is vital that you involve the owners to help you achieve a satisfactory outcome for both of you.

Small and Simple Steps Can Go a Long Way

One of the essential things you can always do in cemetery restoration is improving the grounds. Cutting grass, removing rubbish and weeding will make a huge difference. With these, you will be in a position to see the works that have to be done to the graves together with making it safer and easier to perform the tasks. Remember that maintaining improvements will be much easier over reducing the risk of further harm being done on the graves.

Ensure You Select Your Products Wisely

When you have resorted to headstone cleaning as part of the restoration of the cemetery, ensure you are going for the right products. In most cases, soft, natural-bristled brushes, water and diluted ammonia will be the best. It is also essential that you choose your cleaning products wisely to ensure that you are well protected. Consider using the right footwear and gloves and bringing a first-aid kit and sun protection.


There are certain parts which can never be done with an amateur restorer. For instance, restoration and preservation of damaged headstones can, at times, be a very complicated task. If you go for the wrong tools or materials, you will be doing more harm than good. You need to be aware of your limits and always get in touch with an expert cemetery restorer for advice and assistance.
